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Thread: LHFC November Newsletter
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Michael Hahn LHFC November Newsletter 10-30-2012, 11:13 AM
10-30-2012, 11:13 AM #1
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LHFC November Newsletter
Lake Huron Fishing Club Newsletter
November 2012
Incorporated 1983
P.O. Box 355, Southampton, Ontario, N0H 2L0
Club Website:
Derby Website:
Newsletter Website:
Message From Our President
I don't think anyone particularly enjoys a trip to the doctor but you always feel better when you get a good report.
At our first executive meeting one of the agenda items was an examination of the hatchery budgets and the overall financial health of the LHFC. I am happy to announce that we were able to arrive at a very promising report for the upcoming year. The hatchery budgets were approved and the overall operating budget for the LHFC got a financial shot in the arm from a couple of different sources. Earlier in the afternoon Mike Hahn and I received a cheque for $1,500 from the Fish Kincardine Derby. Our own Chantry Derby Committee presented a cheque for $15,000 and Libro has donated $6,000 to the school hatchery program. So thanks to these donors and the hard work of our Chantry Derby Committee we got a good booster shot to get us up and running for the next year. I have no doubt that with other donations and our regular fund raising efforts we should be in good financial health for the year.
Thanks to our volunteer crews several projects are in the works. Over 100,000 eggs are safely in hatchery trays in the Port Elgin Chinook Hatchery in the process of "eyeing up". Sometime near the end of October the brown trout at the Kincardine Trout Hatchery will be released and in cooperation with the Ontario Steelheaders about 250 steel head have been lifted and placed on prime spawning beds. And so the cycle continues.
Our next general meeting will be held November 8 at 7:30 pm in Underwood. I hope to see you there and to those who will miss the meeting due to deer season I hope you have a safe and successful hunt. Other than that, mark your calendars for the Christmas Dinner on Thursday December 13.
Respectfully, Brian Garnet
Trout Hatchery Report
By the time you get this newsletter our browns should be all released. We had another nice batch of fish and we released 58,000 yearling brown trout into waters from Point Clark to Barrow Bay. Thank you to all those that helped us with the releases. A special thank you to the members of the Ontario Steelheaders that brought their 2 stocking trailers to assist. This was another great example of cooperation at work.
Our rainbows are being moved to the larger tanks vacated by the browns and are really looking good. Bruce Telecom is doing some filming inside the hatchery so expect to see some footage on the new Bruce Telecom Community Channel in the spring. We have a few new hatchery workers but there is always room for more help. If you are interested please get hold of me.
Al Wilkins Email: Phone: 519-396-9764
Salmon Hatchery Report
The eggs have reached the eyed-up stage. They have been shocked and sorted. We are about two and a half weeks away from start of hatch. So far we seem to have a good batch of eggs. We will be supplying the school hatcheries with their eggs in the next week or so. Garry Biederman
Next General Membership Meeting
The next membership meeting of the Lake Huron Fishing Club will be held at the Underwood Community Center starting at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday November 08.
New Members
Kyle Watson & Stacy Gordon & families from Kincardine
Mark Barker from Port Elgin
Jim Preston from North York
Membership Renewals
Well it's nearing the end of another very successful year with the LHFC and there’s no time like the present to renew your membership.
Check your mailing label and if it is highlighted your membership is due Dec 31st 2012.
Just fill out the membership form enclosed and mail it in with your payment.
If you receive your newsletter via email I will send out an email to all memberships which are due Dec 31st 2012 and give you everything you require to renew. Bob Moss
Annual Christmas Dinner
Our annual Christmas Party is on Thursday December 8, 2011 at the Underwood Community Center.
Social Hour 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. with supper to follow.
We're asking last names beginning with A to O to please bring a salad, and P to Z to bring a dessert.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Newsletter via Email
If you would be interested in receiving this Newsletter via email please send us you’re request to and we will add you to the list.
Receiving the newsletter by email is a great way to save the Club money in postal fees. Please give it some thought.
If you would like to view this month’s newsletter to see if it will work for simply email us and we will send it.
Chantry Chinook Classic Salmon Derby Report
Preparations are under way for the 30th annual 2013 Chantry Chinook Classic Salmon Derby. The Derby committee held has already held two meetings, on September 25th and October 16th. There are a few changes to the committee with some new volunteers coming on board. Brian Lang will serve as our Chairman for the 2013 committee. Although roles and responsibilities of committee members have been determined and assigned, there is an ever increasing need for volunteer assistance.
We are looking and in need of a weigh station weigh station foreman for the Saugeen Shores weigh station. Anyone interested in this role and wishing to join or assist the committee in any way should contact the chairman at
You may also contact Rick Dwinnell at 519 396 6144 and email or Bert Kuntz at 519 389 4203 and email Your assistance would be welcomed and greatly appreciated.
A $15,000 cheque has been issued to the Lake Huron Fishing Club from the proceeds of the 2012 derby. These monies will assist the Lake Huron Fishing Club’s so they can continue to contribute to the health of our fisheries and ensure a healthy future for the next generation of fishermen.
The 30th annual Chantry Chinook Classic Salmon Derby committee is in high gear with a number of specials planned to make this a very successful and memorably event. Watch for these to unfold in the next few months. A proactive approach is being taken to promote this derby. Should you have any new and innovative ideas, please let us know.
The Derby will take place Saturday July 27th to Sunday August 11th, 2012. Special events during the derby include: The committee will again be hosting fundraising barbeques on May 18th and June 29th at the Walmart Supercentre in Port Elgin. Sponsor/media day is Friday July 12, Ladies days July 28th and August 4th. Seniors days are July 31st and August 7th, Kids day is Saturday August 3rd. Closing ceremonies will again be held at 1:30 pm Sunday August 11th, at the Tiverton Community Centre.
Mark your calendars for the all you can eat fish fry at the Kincardine Harbour, Saturday August 10, 4:00 to 8:00 pm in support of the Lake Huron Fishing Club.
Some of the decisions already made include:
The cash prizes and ticket prices will essentially remain the same for 2013.
With the success of the online purchase of tickets, this will continue for 2013.
Tickets will still be available with registration by mail.
Rules have been updated to reflect input received.
The much needed sponsorship drive for the derby is already underway.
If you wish to sponsor, or know someone who does, please let us know.
Rick as always, is working hard and has all the new information for 2013 posted on the Chantry website. Stay tuned to the Derby web-site at for up to date news, coming from your 2013 Derby Committee.
Lake Huron Fishing Club
P.O. Box 355,
Southampton, Ontario, N0H 2L0